Building the Windows Client & Tools

At the time of writing, build was performed using

Build dependencies are only available pre-built for VS2010. Kervala’s Packaging repo contains the source for each library although I have not tried building with a newer version of visual studio yet.

Visual C++ 2010

If you want to compile 64 bits versions you’ll also need :

Clone the ryzomcore repo to c:\Ryzom\ryzomcore and switch to the compatibility-develop branch then extract the external_vc10.7z into c:\Ryzom\ryzomcore\external\

Run cmake-gui, source C:\Ryzom\ryzomcore\code and build to C:\Ryzom\ryzomcore\build, configure. Then enable Direct3D. Without this the d3d dlls will not be built which is needed by r2_islands_textures.exe for generating data. Enable WITH_RYZOM_SERVER and all drivers, disable FINAL_VERSION, WITH_NEL_TESTS, WITH_NEL_SAMPLES, WITH_DRIVER_OPENGLES. Whilst windows server executables will not be used, this option ensures the patchman gui is built.

Configure again and generate. Open the solution in the build dir, switch to Release and build all projects as normal.

Continue on to Building Data